lead free toys

Research thoroughly before buying toys for your kids.

Are you one of those parents who thoroughly research every product before purchasing it for your children? Then this is for you.

Parents are going to great lengths to ensure their children’s safety and well-being. In today’s world, even toys made from seemingly high-quality plastics can pose unexpected hazards due to the presence of a silent but potentially harmful element: lead. This insidious substance, used in various stages of the manufacturing process, has the potential to turn a seemingly harmless toy into a serious health concern. In this blog, we delve into the critical issue of lead in toys, exploring its risks, sources, and most importantly, how you can protect your little ones from this hidden danger.

How is lead used in children’s products?

Lead softens the plastic and makes it more flexible, so it can be moulded back into its original shape. Lead alloy is melted and poured into moulds, which give it the desired shape. The components are carefully removed from the moulds after cooling and solidifying. It can also be used to stabilize molecules in plastic toys. Plastics and lead are chemically linked, so when exposed to sunlight, air, or detergents, the chemical bond breaks down. Young children may ingest dust when they put their fingers into their mouths after touching a plastic toy.

Why Lead-Free Toys Matter:

Lead is a toxic substance with severe health implications, especially for young children. Lead exposure can cause developmental delays, learning disabilities, and even long-term health issues. Thus, it is vital to choose toys free from lead and other harmful materials.

How to Identify Lead-Free Toys for Your Children

Children’s health is more important than providing them with cheap, glossy toys that might harm them. Every aspect of a child’s life must be safe for them. It is important to pay attention to the toys they play with. Increasing awareness about lead’s harmful effects makes it crucial for parents to identify lead-free toys. Some of the most important indicators of lead exposure in children are listed below.

It might surprise you that children under 6 are the most vulnerable.

children under 6 are the most vulnerable for lead poisoning

Young children do not have a fully developed blood-brain barrier until they are about 6 years old.

Blood-brain barriers protect the brain from harmful chemicals, but they are not fully formed at birth, and it takes them up to six years to become fully protective. Their bodies absorb lead more easily than adults, and once absorbed, it tends to accumulate in their bones, teeth, and soft tissues. This accumulation can have long-term health consequences. Lead’s effects are even more harmful without the blood-brain barrier.

Lead exposure sources:

To prevent lead exposure, it is important to know the sources. These are some of the most common sources of exposure to lead:

most common sources of exposure to lead
  1. Soil
  2. Lead-based Paints     
  3. Drinking Water
  4. Consumer Products
  5. Lead in the workplace

How does it harm children?

Lead exposure can occur through various routes, including ingestion, inhalation, and absorption through the skin. Here are the different ways in which lead can harm children.

1. Cognitive Impairment:

Exposure to lead has been linked to cognitive impairment in children. Lead can affect the developing brain, leading to a decrease in IQ levels, learning disabilities, and behavioural problems. Even low levels of lead exposure can have long-term consequences for a child’s cognitive abilities.

2. Developmental Delays:

Lead exposure during critical periods of development can result in significant developmental delays in children. It can lead to delays in speech and language development, motor skills, and overall growth. These delays can have a lasting impact on a child’s physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being.

How does lead harm children

3. Behavioral Issues:

Lead exposure has been associated with increased aggression, hyperactivity, and attention disorders in children. Children who have been exposed to lead may exhibit impulsive behaviour, have difficulty paying attention, and struggle with self-control. These behavioural issues can affect their academic performance and social interactions.

4. Organ Damage:

How does LEAD harm children

Lead can cause damage to various organs in the body, including the kidneys, liver, and nervous system. Children are particularly vulnerable to lead toxicity as their organs are still developing. Lead can accumulate in the body over time, leading to long-term health complications and impairments.

5. Anemia:

Lead exposure can interfere with the production of red blood cells, leading to anemia in children. Anemia can result in fatigue, weakness, and difficulties in concentration, negatively impacting a child’s overall well-being and academic performance.

6. Impaired Hearing:

Lead exposure has been linked to hearing loss in children. Even low levels of exposure can affect the auditory system, leading to permanent hearing impairment. This can have a significant impact on a child’s language development and educational outcomes.

Lead exposure poses significant risks to children’s health, with potential long-term consequences for their cognitive, behavioural, and physical development. Preventive measures, such as identifying and removing lead sources, promoting proper hygiene, and ensuring nutrition, are crucial to mitigating lead’s harmful effects on children. Public awareness, education, and policy interventions play a vital role in protecting children from lead exposure.

Preventive measures:

  • Observe the weight difference: Lead-free toys generally feel less heavy than those containing lead.
  • Look for Safety Labels: Before purchasing any toy, carefully examine the packaging for relevant safety labels. These labels often indicate that the toy has been tested for lead and other harmful substances. Look for labels such as “Lead-Free,” “Non-Toxic,” “ASTM F963,” “BIS standard mark,” or “CPSC Certified.”
BIS Safety Labels
  • Read Product Descriptions: When shopping online, take the time to read the product descriptions and look for any mentions of lead-free materials or safety certifications. Reputable sellers will often provide this information to assure parents about the toy’s safety.
  • Research Brands and Manufacturers: It is essential to be familiar with trustworthy brands and manufacturers that prioritize child safety. Look for well-known companies that have a strong reputation for producing lead-free toys. Reading reviews and checking for any recalls or safety concerns associated with specific brands can also be helpful.
Lead testing kit - Ankidyne
  • Lead testing kit: The lead-free toys testing kit includes a range of testing instruments that are specifically designed to detect the presence of lead in toys. These instruments are easy to use and provide quick results, making it convenient for both professionals and parents to test toys for lead content.
  • Avoid Plastic and Vinyl Toys: Vinyl toys, especially those imported from certain countries, can be a potential source of lead exposure. Avoid toys made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl. Instead, opt for toys made from safer materials such as wood, fabric, or BPA-free plastic.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest information regarding toy safety regulations and recalls. Government websites, consumer protection agencies, and parenting forums are excellent sources of information regarding lead-free toys.

Prioritizing the safety and well-being of our children is of utmost importance. By following these tips and being vigilant when choosing toys, parents can ensure that their children play with lead-free and safe toys. Remember, a little extra effort in identifying lead-free toys can go a long way in protecting our children from the harmful effects of lead exposure.

Lead-free toys by Ankidyne:

Ankidyne is one of the top indoor play equipment suppliers, providing high-quality, non-toxic, lead-free toys for children. To ensure children’s safety, Ankidyne uses lead-free paints on outdoor products. Lead presence in products poses a serious health risk, which is why Ankidyne’s social responsibility and concern for its customers drive them to spread awareness.

Lead-free toys by Ankidyne

There is no benefit to purchasing shiny toys with lead at a low price. Ensure toys are lead-free by testing them. There are kits out there that you can use to test everything. Enjoy happy and healthy playtime together.


Princy Jebamani

Ankidyne is a pioneer in Science Park & playground equipment manufacturing in India since 1993. We specialize in establishing STEM Parks, Teaching Aids Library and STEM Labs.
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